Continuous Integration

Github Actions Workflows

CI Workflow

This workflow runs when:

  • new commits are pushed to the main Git branch;
  • new Git tags are pushed;
  • Pull Requests are created or updated.

It runs all continuous integration tasks:

  • Documentation build;
  • SQL linter (static code analysis);
  • Go linters (static code analysis);
  • Go unitary and integration tests;
  • Go build.

Docker Workflow

This workflow runs when:

  • new commits are pushed to the main Git branch;
  • new Git tags are pushed.

It builds and tags the SparkleMuffin production Docker images, and pushes them to the Github Container Registry (GHCR) at

Documentation workflow

This workflow runs when:

  • new commits are pushed to the main Git branch;
  • new Git tags are pushed;
  • Pull Requests are created or updated.

It generates the HTML documentation with mdBook.

When new commits are pushed to the main Git branch and the CI workflow is successful, the documentation is uploaded to Github Pages and can be accessed here: SparkleMuffin Documentation.