1. SparkleMuffin Overview
    1. Change Log
  2. User Guide
    1. How-to Guides
      1. Run SparkleMuffin locally
    2. Reference
      1. Features
      2. Configuration
      3. Command-line flags
      4. Observability
  3. Developer Guide
    1. How-to Guides
      1. Getting the Source Code
      2. Running Static Analysis
      3. Running Tests
      4. Compiling
      5. Live Development Server
      6. Generating Documentation
    2. Reference
      1. Contributing
      2. Project Structure
      3. Documentation Structure
      4. Development Tools
      5. Continuous Integration
      6. Database
      7. Netscape Bookmark Parser
      8. OPML Feed Subscription Parser
    3. Concepts
      1. Feed polling and Caching