Run SparkleMuffin locally


This guide shows how to run SparkleMuffin locally on your computer, in development mode, with debug logging enabled.

This setup is only fit for testing purposes, and should not be used as-is in production (or a public-facing server).


If you are not familiar with Docker or Docker Compose, take a look at the quickstart guides:

Run services with Docker Compose

Create a new directory and download the example Docker Compose configuration:

$ mkdir -p sparklemuffin
$ cd sparklemuffin
$ wget

Pull the Docker images for PostgreSQL and SparkleMuffin:

$ docker compose pull

Run PostgreSQL and SparkleMuffin:

$ docker compose up -d

Apply database migrations

Use the sparklemuffin migrate command to apply database migrations:

$ docker compose exec sparklemuffin sparklemuffin migrate

Create a first administrator user

Use the sparklemuffin createadmin command to create the user; a strong password will be generated automatically for you:

$ docker compose exec sparklemuffin \
    sparklemuffin createadmin \
		--displayname Admin \
		--email admin@dev.local \
		--nickname admin

Log in to the SparkleMuffin

You are now ready to access SparkleMuffin's Web interface by opening http://localhost:8080 in your Web browser, and log in using the credentials from the previous step:

  • login: admin@dev.local;
  • password: use the password generated by the sparklemuffin createadmin command.

Cleanup - When you are done using SparkleMuffin

Stop the services

Stop running containers with:

$ docker compose stop

Stop the services, remove containers and PostgreSQL data volume

$ docker compose down -v